What rights do I have with legal custody?

Parents can be granted physical or legal custody when child custody arrangements are being determined. These arrangements can give them different rights depending on each aspect. Legal custody gives a parent the ability to make legal decisions for their child. These decisions can regard the child’s education, medical decisions, their practiced religion and much more. By being involved in these major decisions in the child’s life, the parent can be highly involved. They can develop a good relationship with their child by making good decisions for them that can shape their whole life.

Physical custody grants one parent as the custodial parent. This allows the child to reside in their home on a regular basis. With this role, the parent is involved in the child’s everyday routine. They should be working to ensure that the child is taken care of on a regular basis whether this involves meals or their health. With this form of custody, parents may have more time with the child on a more consistent basis.

Who decides what custody rights are given?

Custody rights can be decided by a judge or in divorce mediation by the divorcing couple. Judges consider many factors when they decide on who has what rights as a parent. For these cases, judges will put the well-being of the child first. Many factors involving the parents are also considered. Parents’ income and lifestyle can be considered to see who should be granted what rights. During divorce mediation, parents can decide on custody arrangements during these sessions that can arrange these situations for them.

Can adjustments be made to custody?

Child custody arrangements can be modified in the future depending on each situation. There are many situations that may contribute to a change in the custody arrangement. If a child is acting aggressively or out of the ordinary due to the custody arrangement, parents have the right to file a motion with the court if they believe it is due to the child’s time spent with their other parent. These cases can then be investigated and a judge can rule in favor of the child’s best interests. If there seems to be an issue, the custody arrangement may be changed to fulfill the health and safety of the child.

If you require compassionate and knowledgeable legal guidance for a matter of divorce, family or estate law, please contact the experienced attorneys at the Law Offices of Cynthia L. Hanley today. Our firm proudly serves clients in Mansfield, Massachusetts and throughout Bristol County.