Mansfield Divorce Lawyer on Obtaining a No Fault Divorce without Alimony

Mansfield Divorce Lawyer on Obtaining a No Fault Divorce without Alimony


I have been separated from my husband since 1998 and we have a 22 year old son together.  How can I obtain a no fault divorce without alimony?


As a dedicated Mansfield Divorce Lawyer, I often help clients in these types of situations.  If you and he have agreed on all issues, you would need to have a separation agreement drafted or draft yourself and submitted to the court with other required documents, including, a Joint Petition for Divorce, a financial statement from each party, a certified copy of marriage certificate and affidavit from each of you that your marriage is irretrievably broken down.

Are you looking to obtain a No Fault divorce in Massachusetts?  Contact experienced Mansfield Divorce Lawyer Cynthia Hanley for guidance.