How can I ensure my divorce is kept private in Massachusetts?

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When a couple gets married, they merge their lives. After tieing the knot, most couples begin sharing everything from the password to their email account to a joint checking account. Although in marriage, sharing this type of sensitive information does not pose a threat. If the marriage fails, your spouse’s access to your personal data can endanger your privacy. If you want to keep the details of your divorce private from others, keep reading and contact our trusted Bristol County Mediated Divorce Lawyers, who can help you safeguard your privacy.

What steps can I take to protect my privacy during a divorce in Massachusetts?

Deciding to end your marriage is never easy. Divorce can feel like your whole world has been turned upside down. Understandably, you likely want to keep the details of your divorce private, as you are dealing with enough stress as you face the impending divorce process, where you must iron out issues of child custody, child support, spousal support, property division, and more. Therefore, it is common to wonder what steps you can take to safeguard your privacy during your divorce.

If your former spouse knows the passwords for all of your unshared financial and personal accounts, you must change all of your passwords to prevent them from gaining access to your accounts. Changing your passwords will ensure your privacy is protected. If you do not change your passwords, you risk your former spouse accessing your accounts and obtaining sensitive information that they could spitefully exploit to others.

Although it is beneficial to change your passwords to ensure they do not have access to your unshared accounts, you should buy new devices and set up a new data plan. If your spouse can access your devices and even your data plan, they can look at your text messages, call history, and other information. It would be best to secure your new devices with a unique PIN or fingerprint to safeguard your privacy. Additionally, you should enable a two-factor authentication system. This will ensure that if your password is compromised, your account can’t be accessed without your phone.

How else can I keep the details of my divorce private?

If you are concerned about keeping the details of your divorce private from others, you should avoid using social media. Anyone can assess your posts if you post anything about your divorce or have your account set to public. Divorce attorneys can use social media platforms as a resource to build arguments for custody, alimony, division of assets, and more. Therefore, you should set your account to private and refrain from using social media until after your divorce.

Furthermore, the best way to keep the details of your divorce private is by pursuing divorce mediation or a collaborative divorce. Through these divorce routes, you can avoid litigation, meaning the facts of your case will not be submitted to the official court record. If you do not pursue mediation or a collaborative divorce, you can request the judge to fully or partially seal your case file.

For more information on how to keep the details of your divorce private, contact a dedicated lawyer from The Law Offices of Cynthia L. Hanley, P.C. today.