Child Support Guidelines in Massachusetts

When a family in Massachusetts is impacted by divorce, one of the concerns is in regards to how the children will maintain a similar quality of life. In a divorce, the court will often require the noncustodial parent to pay child support in an effort to make sure the quality of life remains relatively unchanged. In 2013, Massachusetts established the Child Support Guidelines that considers a number of different factors, some of which include the following:

  • Mitigating the economic impact to the children
  • Recognizing all of the financial and non-financial contributions
  • Maintaining consistency in the determination of child support across all income levels
  • Recognizing the importance of and the cost of health insurance for the child
  • Recognizing the importance of allowing adjustments and modifications
  • Minimizing problems of proof and streamline the court process
  • Promoting joint parental obligations according to income
  • Meeting the child’s needs and standard of living
  • Meeting the financial needs of parents who are on the low end of the income range

Child support in Massachusetts typically ends when the child turns 18 but it can be extended until they turn 23, depending on factors such as higher education. Once the child becomes emancipated, the parents are no longer obligated to support the child.

If you have questions about child support in Massachusetts, contact our firm today.

If you require compassionate and knowledgeable legal guidance for a matter of divorce, family or estate law, please contact the experienced attorneys at the Law Offices of Cynthia L. Hanley today. Our firm proudly serves clients in Mansfield, Massachusetts and throughout Bristol County.