Can my spouse pay my legal fees?

Often times when a couple gets divorced, one spouse fears that they will not be able to afford an attorney that can effectively represent them. Everyone knows that legal fees can be very expensive so of course, if one spouse is dependent on the income of the other, the idea of a financial burden like this can be overwhelming. In some cases, the dependent spouse may be able to request that the more monied spouse pays for their legal fees.

This is not often awarded and the less monied spouse will have to ask the judge to order the more monied spouse to pay legal fees. If the judge believes that the less monied spouse truly cannot afford to hire a competent attorney, they may award legal fees in their favor. This is because it would be unfair for the spouse with greater income to be able to hire a significantly better attorney than the other spouse who may not be able to afford an attorney at all. With such a significant difference in representation, the divorce proceedings might turn out very differently than they would have if the less monied spouse had a better attorney.

If you require the services of an experienced divorce attorney, contact our firm today to schedule a consultation.

If you require compassionate and knowledgeable legal guidance for a matter of divorce, family or estate law, please contact the experienced attorneys at the Law Offices of Cynthia L. Hanley today. Our firm proudly serves clients in Mansfield, Massachusetts and throughout Bristol County.